541 North Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010
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An Organization Dedicated to
the Preservation of Polish Heritage
and the Fellowship of Every
Generation of Members

The Bristol Polish American Citizens Club's home as seen from Route 6.
Copyright © 2014 - 2028 Bristol Polish Amercian Citizens Club
The Bristol Polish-American Citizens Club came into being on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1923, when small groups of patriotic local men of Polish stock met at the "Old Meadow Street Fire House" to discuss the blessings of American citizenship. Most of the groups had migrated from an enslaved Poland where especially those under the Russian rule had been denied the freedoms which they believed were their heritage. To people like them with a fierce love of liberty, American Citizenship with its rights and privileges as well as its responsibilities meant the attainment of their fondest dreams. 

Some of these "Founding Fathers" of the Club had already had a taste of success in this land of free enterprise. While most of them worked by the sweat of their brows in local factories, a number of them had established small businesses which today are second generation affairs and fast approaching the third generation. Practically all of these men lost no time in acquiring homes of their own, where they brought up large families. They slaved and saved, so that their children could avail themselves of the opportunities that the American system of education offered. 

The result of the St. Patrick's Day meeting was the organization of a Club dedicated to an intensive campaign of encouraging American Citizenship among recent emigrants. This policy was later expanded in making of voters. Incidentally, throughout its' seventy-five years of existence, never has the Club failed to espouse a worthy cause where it concerned local, state or national welfare.

At the annual meeting of November 1926, it was decided to incorporate the Bristol Polish-American Citizens Club, in the state of Connecticut. A charter and constitution with its by-laws was formed. Be it known, this club's name shall be: the Bristol Polish-American Citizens Club, Inc. It is an organization fostering good citizenship. This tablet containing the charter and constitution, with its by-laws that were presented by the State of Connecticut to the Club confirming its incorporation, was dated on December 16, 1926, now hangs in the Officers office.

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A Polish Club Committed to the Community of Bristol and Surrounding Towns Since 1923